Wednesday, September 15, 2004

About this blog

I had a bunch of photos and stories from Aaron's birth and I got to thinking... there are others in the same position now, and presumably that number would only grow as more and more of you visit the little tacker and his proud parents.

So I set up this blog* primarily to give extended friends and family a place to see what's happened so far. However, you are all more than welcome to add your own pictures, thoughts, comments, helpful advice etc etc as you see fit.

In one sense it's good for people like you and me, because there will be one port of call for things Aaron-related. You won't have to dig through old emails to find the pictures that so-and-so took, they'll be with all the others. In another sense it will make life easier for Aaron's parents, because they'll be able to direct everyone to the same spot for pictures and info on their boy.

Once the fuss has died down I'll archive the results, they might make an interesting read for the little guy in about 20 years :)

Note: posts are in reverse chronological order. Start at the bottom if it's your first visit.


  • You can already add comments to a post, albeit anonymously
  • If you register on this website, you will get a user-name - email it to me, and I will add you to the list of owners of this blog. Send to barrettboy at gmail dot com. Registration is only required for new posts, posting photos, etc.

Cheers, Rob

* If you find yourself thinking "What on god's good earth is a blog?" then this might be a good point for you to start from:


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