Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Still the cutest boy in new south wales.
He's sleeping - all is good ...

"if this kid wakes up you're holding him..."

"Can you smell watermelons?"

"Is it time to eat yet?"

"Get off the phone - I want lunch!"
Domestic discipline a'la'Corr

Domestic insanity a'la'Maclean
Megs getting all maternal...

"Don't feed me watermelon - it makes me evil!"

I have no idea where he is - ha ha ha
Auntie Megs and Uncle Ben

Look at the size of those stompers!

Wondering where he gets the good genes?
Breakfast with his favourite godfather
And with Dad...

A few pics of Mum and bub

Apparently he shares his father's prediliction for public nudity.

Christmas-time in Byron Bay. Mum and Dad look like they've got this parenting thing sussed out.